Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Sunday Salon (04.05.09): Week In Review

This week was pretty successful, though you might not be able to tell it from the fact that I only read 2-1/2 books and posted three reviews. With one of those books at over 600 pages, I figure it's almost like I read 3-1/2 books this week. :-) Happily, the books were all 4 and 5 star titles for me, so I really enjoyed what I was reading. Here are the links to those reviews:

Publish or Perish by Margot Kinberg (4 stars)
The Host by Stephenie Meyer (5 stars)
Sin & Vengeance by CJ West (5 stars)

Publish or Perish cover The Host cover Sin & Vengeance cover

Sadly, I did have one book that I couldn't finish: Threshold by Bonnie Kozek. Happily, I was able to pass that along to another book blogger for review, and will be getting that out in the mail to Crystal at My Reading Room tomorrow!


Speaking of Sin & Vengeance, if you haven't read it and enjoy a good thriller, I highly recommend this book--check out my review. What's even cooler is that CJ West has embedded codes within his book that lead to two hidden messages! I have been spending entirely too much time playing with that this morning, first by starting with deciphering a code on his web site and then looking for other clues he's hidden. You can learn more about it by visiting West's web site and subscribing to his newsletter. Sin & Vengeance is slated to be made into a movie and I think it will be a huge hit!


Zombie Chicken award
In other news, I was awarded the Zombie Chicken Award for the second time, courtesy of LuAnne at A Bookworm's World. I haven't posted about it yet, so I figure what better time to give out the award to my choices than in a Sunday Salon post. So here goes:

"The blogger who receives this award believes in the Tao of the zombie chicken - excellence, grace and persistence in all situations, even in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. These amazing bloggers regularly produce content so remarkable that their readers would brave a raving pack of zombie chickens just to be able to read their inspiring words. As a recipient of this world-renowned award, you now have the task of passing it on to at least 5 other worthy bloggers. Do not risk the wrath of the zombie chickens by choosing unwisely or not choosing at all..."

Again, I'm not one to risk the wrath of zombie chickens, so here are my 5 picks for this award:

Reverie Book Reviews
Bookish Ruth
My Cozy Book Nook
Penny's Pages

Be sure to check out their blogs if you haven't already!!


I've also been actively participating in this week's Weekly Geeks project--linking reviews. Thank you to everyone who has given me a link to a review and posted one of mine in return! I've also now made my link exchange policy clear with a handy tab in my header and an easy-to-use submission form if you don't choose to leave a comment.

Linking reviews is just part of my own ongoing blog improvement. The header tabs you see when you visit my blog now were a HUGE part of that project, as well. It took me awhile last Sunday, but I finally got those pesky tabs posted and in working order. Now some of what I consider the most important and useful information is easily accessed right at the top of my page! I also got my label cloud under control by cleaning up some of the labels I'd been using. Since I added a Reviews by Author tab, I decided I didn't need to post authors' names in the labels section, among other things I chose to delete. My most recent "improvement" is just something fun I wanted to do and finally figured out how yesterday--I added a favicon, so now you see one of the butterflies from my header in the address bar of your browser when you visit my page!


And last but not least, here's what I'm hoping to get to this week (not necessarily in this order) but I know this may be a stretch:

Uglies by Scott Westerfield
Deadly Exchange by Geoffrey M. Gluckman
No Place for a Lady by Maggie Brendan
Dead to the World by Charlaine Harris


  1. Thanks!!! yay Zombie chickens!!!

    I started listening to the host...and Still haven't finished. grrr glad to see you liked it.

  2. I am still not sure if I want to read The Host as I don't want to be disappointed by it as I loved all the Twilight books.

  3. It sounds like you had a good reading month, Melissa. :-) I am anxious to read Sin and Vengeance after reading your review--and two hidden messages! Even more intriguing.

    I want to see if I can add in tabs at the top of my blog. My expert html coder (my husband) may have to help. You've done a great job with yours!

    I hope you have a great week.

  4. Congrats on the zombie chicken award again!! You totally deserve it.

    I look forward to your review on Uglies because I have yet to start the series and I'm a little hesitant about it.

  5. Scrap Girl - The Host is very different from Twilight and I think you'd be able to enjoy it on its own, though you never know. :-) I loved both The Host and the Twilight books...

    Literary Feline - Hope you pick up a copy of S&V, it really was deliciously thrilling. And thanks for the kind words about my blog, good luck with yours!

    Mishel - Thanks :-) If only I could tear myself away from the computer long enough to actually start reading Uglies! Lol. Not to mention the fact that I need to do some more cleaning/organizing/laundry...

  6. Aren't you the clever one? A favicon, eh? A new piece of technology for me.

  7. This year I've started paying more attention to page numbers in addition to the number of books--sounds like you had a high page count even if the # isn't what you hoped. Congrats on the Zombie Chicken Award--that's such a fun one!

  8. Congrats on getting another Zombie Chicken :D

    Sounds like you had a great reading month :)

  9. Love the butterfly favicon. If I wasn't such a cowardly Luddite, I might try to figure out one of my own. :-)

  10. I started listening to the Host on my MP3 player after finishing the Twilight series. And I'm not sure if it was the reader or what - but I got bored very quickly. I thought the premise was good, but it just seemed to take forever. So it's still there, but I haven't listened in awhile. Maybe I'll try again - I've just read your review!

  11. TYVM for the award! I feel so honored! :)

    I tried to use the website you gave me, but the links weren't working. So instead I made a temporary one of my own. I am still so envious of your organizing skills!

  12. Debnance & Kristen - I had no idea that little icon in the address bar was even called a favicon until I did a search trying to figure out how to make one. I can't remember what I tried to call it in my search, though :-) probably just an icon.

    Penny - Sorry the links weren't working, good luck with all your organizing, your blog looks great!!

    Everyone else, thanks for the congratulatory wishes. I appreciate you all stopping by my blog!!!


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