Monday, April 13, 2009

Musing Mondays (04.13.09)

MusingMondays Musing Mondays is hosted by Rebecca at Just One More Page... Today’s post is about blog comments.

How do you respond to the comments on your blog? Do you try to email individually or comment on post yourself answering the comments above? What do you think is the best way to respond to comments and do you respond to all of them? Do you feel slighted if you don't receive a response back from the blog owner? (question courtesy of Jenn)
Today's question is timely as I've recently been thinking about commenting and the best way to respond to others' comments. I try to do a combination of replying to comments within my own blog, as well as visiting bloggers who have commented and leaving comments on their blogs.
On several sites about blogging and attracting comments, I've seen that it is really recommended for you to comment back on your own blog, which may be true if the commentor does not have a blog of their own... But in this community, there are so many book bloggers, and I feel like it's better for me to try and visit other blogs and leave comments there. After all, we all know how much comments mean to us!!
I don't feel slighted if I don't receive a response from a blog owner. I don't think I'm able to respond to every individual comment, either, so who would I be to complain about not getting replies to my own comments?!
But everyone reading this should know that I love your comments and welcome them gladly. A huge THANK YOU to everyone who has taken the time to comment on my blog!!


  1. I do the same Melissa and try to comment on my own blog as well as visiting bloggers who have commented or email responses directly. I only feel slighted if I comment a lot on someones blog and never get a comment or visit to my blog.

    BTW, I LOVE the new look of your blog!!! I am so impressed how quickly you have it looking so good(love the colors and butterflies etc..) with all the tabs and your own URL. Do you have any tips for others (like me)who want to upgrade their blog and are clueless as to how to do it?!

  2. Thanks Bonnie! I've actually had a lot of people ask me about this, so I'm going to work on a post with tips and sites that helped me out. Hope to get that up within the next few days.

    I really appreciate your kind words about my blog!

  3. I agree that visiting the commenters own blog and commenting there is an excellent idea and something I try to do most often.
    But I do also try and respond to comments on my blog when I can, sort of keeping the conversation going...

  4. I never know what to do when it comes to comments! Thanks for posting this!

  5. I agree with you - I prefer to spend my time reading other's blogs, unless somebody leaves a comment that needs a reply then I will reply. It all comes down to time for all of us.

  6. Same here, Melissa. Good post. I'm trying to be more consistent with my replies. Reading and responding to the folks comments who read my blog are just as important as reading other blogs. It goes hand in hand. My post is here

  7. I'm kind of passionate about comments--I feel that through comments we really get to know who we are blogging with (and it has led to some great friendships for me). I really appreciate when people take the time to respond back to comments on their blog. I do this and I admit it takes a lot of time. And I don't know if people actually subscribe or not, but I feel it is a courtesy--let's people know their comments aren't getting lost in Internet neverever land.

    In terms of commenting on other people's blogs, I try to do this as much as possible, but I only post on average twice a week. I simple can't keep up with most of the people in my reader who post sometimes multiple times a day. Usually the weekly meme posts are the first to get skipped, but I try to comment on all of the pertinent stuff. It takes time, but I guess the question for everyone is--what do you want to get out of blogging?

  8. I love your answer on this, because I've been struggling over it too. I'm glad that you don't take offense when you don't get commented back to, because I have this irrational fear that if I don't comment back, no one will come see me anymore! :)

  9. Robin ~ consistency is something I've been working on, too. I've really been trying hard to leave comments on my own posts (here, for example) but also visit and comment on as many blogs as I can every day.

    Trish ~ GREAT points! (As usual.) Comments really do generate discussion, which I think we all enjoy getting out of our blogs, so it really is important that we contribute to our own posts and get to know the people who've taken the time to write to us. And I completely sympathize with you on keeping up with your reader.

    Penny ~ I don't think you'd need to worry about that. Seems to me if you're at least commenting elsewhere in the book blog world, people will come back. You might find that you'll eventually get in a rhythm of commenting on your own blog in addition to everyone else's. I think I'm slowly getting into that groove, myself. It does take some work, as Trish said.

  10. I get such a thrill when I receive a comment on my blog, I admit. I appreciate them whether it's the 10th or the first. Each comment is special to me. I do try and take the time to respond back to each comment on my own blog while also making the effort to visit the other blogger's blog as well. I am not always so successful, but I do what I can.


This blog does not use CAPTCHA, please comment freely! However, I have had to disable the "Anonymous" commenting feature since the spammers are just out of control. Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment -- I love to hear what you think! Feedback and discussion are always welcome. Happy reading :-)